Family Law
We provide guidance and support through many aspects of family law. We are here to help you navigate the challenges to deal with family matters with confidence and care. Our services include:
Care of Children
When parents face disagreements about their children's care arrangements, the Family Court is available to assist through Parenting Orders.
If you prefer to avoid court involvement, there are alternative solutions. We can help you explore various options, including:
• Parenting Agreements: Customised agreements that outline care arrangements, tailored to meet your family's unique needs.
• Dispute Resolution: Processes such as mediation that can facilitate amicable resolutions without court intervention.
Mediation is a constructive alternative to litigation, offering a collaborative approach to resolving disputes. In mediation, a neutral third party helps facilitate discussions between you and the other party to reach a mutually agreeable solution.
Contracting Out Agreements (“Pre-Nups”)
We assist with drafting and review of contracting out agreements recording your agreed ownership and division of property on separation and/or death, to provide clarity in advance of termination of a relationship.
Separation Agreements
We offer guidance and legal assistance in drafting separation agreements, addressing various necessary aspects such as child care arrangements and property matters.